Enter your email and order number to track the status of your order. Some orders ship from our international distribution center and take a few days for tracking to update.
By adding products to your shopping bag, you will be able to check your selection, modify it, and proceed to purchase. To complete your order, simply enter your shipping address, billing address, and choose a payment method.
You can create a Marni.com account to track orders, view your order history and create a personalized wishlist.
Payment will be debited once the order ships or picked up if you have selected the "Pickup in boutique" option.
After finalizing your purchase you will receive an email confirmation with all the details of your order and once your order ships you will be sent a shipping confirmation email with a the carrier tracking number.
You will then receive an email with the invoice for your purchase. Please note delivery time is estimated from the time your order is shipped, not from when it is placed.